Contract, DCSMEC Notice
by Rolando Sardiñas


The DCSMEC bargaining team has worked tirelessly to find every dollar available, taking the current budget climate in mind. We think that this resolution is fair and helps move us forward for the 2016/2017 fiscal year.

Highlights of the tentative agreement follow:
1. A 2.4% (across the board) wage increase, effective 7/1/2016. (Yes, this means RETRO)
2. Effective the first month following the School Board ratification of the 2016-2017 successor contract, eligible full-time employees in their fourth year of employment and thereafter shall accrue annual (vacation) time at 1.917 days per month, increasing vacation time to 23 days for the fiscal year.

3. Recruitment Incentive: employees newly hired deemed necessary by management, are eligible for a recruitment incentive of 5% of base salary. The incentive applies to those employees who are newly hired to a designated position effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

4. Standard work schedules: The normal workday shall be any consecutive eight hours or 10 hours. Between 6:00 AM and 6:30 PM.
5. Three day, 12 hour work schedule: Any consecutive three day, 12 hour schedule, Monday through Saturday, between 10 AM and 11 PM.
6. Four-day, 10 hour work schedule: Any consecutive four-day, 10 our schedule, Monday through Saturday, between 12 PM and 11 PM.
7. Five day, eight hour schedule: Any consecutive five-day, eight hour schedule, Monday through Saturday, between 2 PM and 11 PM.

• Health Insurance
➢ Options and Health Plan design, the same as last year.

➢ Cigna OAP 10, OAP 20 and Local Plus

➢ year 2017, there will be no changes to the employees cost share, dependent premium and plan designed to CIGNA Local Plus Plan.
A. New hires will be enrolled in the Local Plus Plan.
B. OAP 10 will experience a 13% increase in both the employee cost share and dependent premiums. Other increases are deductible for both individual/family and in & out of network, physician office co-pay and others.
C. Spousal Surcharge: $500 a year if an employee’s spouse/domestic partner has coverage available from their own employer. An additional annual surcharge of $500 will be charged and deductions will be taken on a per pay period basis.