If you have not yet voted, you need to VOTE today. The 2019/2020 ratification VOTE ends tomorrow. Don’t wait to the last moment. VOTE today, it only takes a moment of your time.

DCSMEC has provided a safe and accessible voting experience using your cell phone, district/personal computer, iPad or any other smart device. If you’re not sure how to VOTE, contact DCSMEC at ( We have computer specialists standing by to assist you. They are highly trained and friendly professionals, eager to provide a helping hand.

VOTE for a better future. Your VOTE counts! DCSMEC continues its quest for excellence and a better tomorrow for all of our members. We encourage you to join us on our journey. DCSMEC for a brighter future.

Keep in mind you need to VOTE today. Don’t wait, VOTE now! To all of you who have voted: We appreciate your VOTE. Thank you.