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General Membership Meeting (July 2023)

Attention all members: we have a General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. The meeting will be held at the DCSMEC hall located at 8250 NW 27th Street (Suit 308) Doral, FL 33122. The meeting starts promptly at 4:30pm and normally concludes no later than 7:30pm.

Because of the overwhelming response we have received from members requesting information about the affect of HB 256, we encourage you to attend the meeting and get all of your questions answered. We encourage all members to attend, participate, and get informed. Please refrain from parking on assigned/numbered spaces. Park only in unmarked spaces. Please be advised that building management will tow all improperly parked vehicles. All meetings are strictly for members only.

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DCSMEC hopes that you have a great holiday. Enjoy the fireworks, barbecues, movies, and outings with family and friends. Be safe out there and take a moment to remember and appreciate the opportunity we have all been given to be able to live in the great old USA.

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After receiving the latest information from EdFed we still don’t have the 60% required by the new state law (256). If you have not yet signed up for EdFed dues deduction, you can still sign up here at our website for free. It’s very easy to do:

Instructions for non-mobile devices

Step 1: Go to (this site)

Step 2: Click the link on the right – “Click here to set up dues payments with EdFed” under the EdFed logo

Step 3: Scroll down, click “Join Now” and complete online enrollment on the EdFed website

Instructions for Mobile Devices

Step 1: Go to (this site)

Step 2: Click the top, right corner icon (three solid lines), and select “Contact Us” from the drop-down list

Step 3: Scroll down and click the link  – “Click here to set up dues payments with EdFed” under the EdFed logo

Step 4: Scroll down, click “Join Now” and complete online enrollment on the EdFed website

Another option: you can walk in at any of the EdFed locations and let them know you would like to open an account to pay your DCSMEC dues. Remember: enrollment is FREE!!!!

If you have any questions, please contact DCSMEC at (305) 477-6002, or email us at Please pass the word to all your colleagues to sign up.

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After conducting meetings at all four maintenance yards and ITS, we still don’t have the 60% required by the new state law (256). If you have not yet signed up for EdFed dues deduction, you can still sign up here at our website for free. It’s very easy to do:

Instructions for non-mobile devices

Step 1: Go to (this site)

Step 2: Click the link on the right – “Click here to set up dues payments with EdFed” under the EdFed logo

Step 3: Scroll down, click “Join Now” and complete online enrollment on the EdFed website

Instructions for Mobile Devices

Step 1: Go to (this site)

Step 2: Click the top, right corner icon (three solid lines), and select “Contact Us” from the drop-down list

Step 3: Scroll down and click the link  – “Click here to set up dues payments with EdFed” under the EdFed logo

Step 4: Scroll down, click “Join Now” and complete online enrollment on the EdFed website

Another option: you can walk in at any of the EdFed locations and let them know you would like to open an account to pay your DCSMEC dues. Remember: enrollment is FREE!!!!

If you have any questions, please contact DCSMEC at (305) 477-6002, or email us at Please pass the word to all your colleagues to sign up.


Senate Bill 7024 was signed into law on June 5, 2023. An eligible member may now elect to participate in DROP for a period not to exceed a maximum of 96 calendar months.

To request to continue your DROP participation for a period not to exceed 96 calendar months, complete the Notice of Election to Participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) form. 

The form can be found on the Division’s website at on the active member page under forms or from the M-DCPS leave desk. Don’t forget to notify M-DCPS division of retirement and inform them of your decision to extend DROP.


In other news DCSMEC would like to remind you the 1.75% Retention Supplement and the $250 Stipend was negotiated for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. You have been getting both supplements bi-weekly on your paycheck for the 2022-2023 fiscal year that ends this month on June 30, 2023. After June 30, 2023, it’s fully paid and will no longer be reflected on your pay stub.

See Contract Language below:

Eligible full-time employees on the H0, H1 and H2 salary schedules will receive a 1.75% Retention Supplement to base for the 2022-2023 year, paid from ESSER funds, effective July 1, 2022.

3. All members of the DCSMEC bargaining unit as of the date of School Board ratification of this agreement shall receive a $250 stipend for the 2022-2023 year, utilizing ESSER funds, because of their specialized skillsets and implementation of activities that are necessary to maintain the operation of district facilities and continuity of services.

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After conducting meetings at all four maintenance yards and ITS, we still don’t have the 60% required by the new state law (256). If you have not yet signed up for EdFed dues deduction, you can still sign up here at our website for free. It’s very easy to do:

Step 1: Go to (this site)

Step 2: Click the link on the right – “Click here to set up dues payments with EdFed”

Step 3: Scroll down, click “Join Now” and complete online enrollment

Another option: you can walk in at any of the EdFed locations and let them know you would like to open an account to pay your DCSMEC dues. Remember: enrollment is FREE!!!!

If you have any questions, please contact DCSMEC at (305) 477-6002, or email us at Please pass the word to all your colleagues to sign up.

In other news DCSMEC would like to remind you the 1.75% Retention Supplement and the $250 Stipend was negotiated for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. You have been getting both supplements bi-weekly on your paycheck for the 2022-2023 fiscal year that ends this month on June 30, 2023. After June 30, 2023, it’s fully paid and will no longer be reflected on your pay stub.

See Contract Language below:

Eligible full-time employees on the H0, H1 and H2 salary schedules will receive a 1.75% Retention Supplement to base for the 2022-2023 year, paid from ESSER funds, effective July 1, 2022.

3. All members of the DCSMEC bargaining unit as of the date of School Board ratification of this agreement shall receive a $250 stipend for the 2022-2023 year, utilizing ESSER funds, because of their specialized skillsets and implementation of activities that are necessary to maintain the operation of district facilities and continuity of services.

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Meeting today, Wednesday, June 14, 2023 8:00AM (All ITS personnel) @ Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @Zelda Glazer 15015 SW 24 Street Miami, Fl 33185.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed bill (HB 256) into law. The new law places additional restrictions on public employee Unions including DCSMEC; preventing M-DCPS from deducting Union dues. M-DCPS has contacted all Unions impacted by this new law and confirmed they will stop collecting dues starting July 1, 2023.

DCSMEC will be meeting with all employees under the DCSMEC umbrella to provide an alternative way to pay your dues and explain the new law and how it impacts you as an employee. We believe the intent of this new law is to disrupt or destroy public sector unions. Please keep in mind DCSMEC can only survive with the support of all DCSMEC members. If we do not have the funds to operate or our membership numbers go below 60%, DCSMEC will be decertified. If DCSMEC is decertified that means our current contract with the district will be null & void. The last time this occurred was with ITS, their salary was immediately cut from 12 month employment to 10 months employment loosing thousands of dollars per year and two months of benefits and their numbers were reduced by approximately 30% to 40%. We could & probably will lose several other benefits that we all enjoy as well like paid sick & vacation days, paid holidays & I could go on & on. Don’t think for a second that M-DCPS would not do this, it has already occurred. We have never faced anything like this before but it is here & it is real. We need to stick together like never before.

This law shall drastically impact your rights and security going forward. Please make sure you attend this all-important meeting at your location. Please make sure everyone you know is aware of this meeting & just how important it is to attend. See meeting schedule below & thank you.

Road show (Town Hall) meeting schedule 

Monday, June 12, 2023  7:00AM (Second Floor training room)  Completed 

MSC 1 
12525 NW 28 Ave
Miami, Fl 33167

Monday, June 12, 2023  1:30PM (Marvin Chapman training room)  Completed 

2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:00AM (First floor foreperson staging area) Completed

15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 1:30PM (Redland Middle School Auditorium) Completed

MSC 4 
24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 8:00AM (All ITS personnel)

Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @Zelda Glazer

15015 SW 24 Street

Miami, Fl 33185

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DCSMEC Notification

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed bill (HB 256) into law. The new law places additional restrictions on public employee Unions including DCSMEC; preventing M-DCPS from deducting Union dues. M-DCPS has contacted all Unions impacted by this new law and confirmed they will stop collecting dues starting July 1, 2023.

DCSMEC will be meeting with all employees under the DCSMEC umbrella to provide an alternative way to pay your dues and explain the new law and how it impacts you as an employee. We believe the intent of this new law is to disrupt or destroy public sector unions. Please keep in mind DCSMEC can only survive with the support of all DCSMEC members. If we do not have the funds to operate or our membership numbers go below 60%, DCSMEC will be decertified. If DCSMEC is decertified that means our current contract with the district will be null & void. The last time this occurred was with ITS, their salary was immediately cut from 12 month employment to 10 months employment loosing thousands of dollars per year and two months of benefits and their numbers were reduced by approximately 30% to 40%. We could & probably will lose several other benefits that we all enjoy as well like paid sick & vacation days, paid holidays & I could go on & on. Don’t think for a second that M-DCPS would not do this, it has already occurred. We have never faced anything like this before but it is here & it is real. We need to stick together like never before.

This law shall drastically impact your rights and security going forward. Please make sure you attend this all-important meeting at your location. Please make sure everyone you know is aware of this meeting & just how important it is to attend. See meeting schedule below & thank you.

Road show (Town Hall) meeting schedule 

Monday, June 12, 2023  7:00AM (Second Floor training room) Completed

MSC 1 
12525 NW 28 Ave
Miami, Fl 33167

Monday, June 12, 2023  1:30PM (Marvin Chapman training room) Completed

2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:00AM (First floor foreperson staging area)

15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 1:30PM (Redland Middle School Auditorium)

MSC 4 
24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 8:00AM (All ITS personnel)

Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @Zelda Glazer

15015 SW 24 Street

Miami, Fl 33185

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Gov. Ron DeSantis signed bill (HB 256) into law. The new law places additional restrictions on public employee Unions including DCSMEC; preventing M-DCPS from deducting Union dues. M-DCPS has contacted all Unions impacted by this new law and confirmed they will stop collecting dues starting July 1, 2023.

DCSMEC will be meeting with all employees under the DCSMEC umbrella to provide an alternative way to pay your dues and explain the new law and how it impacts you as an employee. We believe the intent of this new law is to disrupt or destroy public sector unions. Please keep in mind DCSMEC can only survive with the support of all DCSMEC members. If we do not have the funds to operate or our membership numbers go below 60%, DCSMEC will be decertified. If DCSMEC is decertified that means our current contract with the district will be null & void. The last time this occurred was with ITS, their salary was immediately cut from 12 month employment to 10 months employment loosing thousands of dollars per year and two months of benefits and their numbers were reduced by approximately 30% to 40%. We could & probably will lose several other benefits that we all enjoy as well like paid sick & vacation days, paid holidays & I could go on & on. Don’t think for a second that M-DCPS would not do this, it has already occurred. We have never faced anything like this before but it is here & it is real. We need to stick together like never before.

This law shall drastically impact your rights and security going forward. Please make sure you attend this all-important meeting at your location. Please make sure everyone you know is aware of this meeting & just how important it is to attend. See meeting schedule below & thank you.

Road show (Town Hall) meeting schedule 

Monday, June 12, 2023  7:00AM (Second Floor training room)

MSC 1 
12525 NW 28 Ave
Miami, Fl 33167

Monday, June 12, 2023  1:30PM (Marvin Chapman training room)

2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:00AM (First floor foreperson staging area)

15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 1:30PM (Redland Middle School Auditorium)

MSC 4 
24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 8:00AM (ITS personnel)

ITS locations 

Location TBD

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General Membership Meeting (May 2023)

Attention all members, we have a General Membership Meeting today Tuesday, May 16, 2023. The meeting will be held at the DCSMEC hall located at 8250 NW 27th Street (Suit 308) Doral, FL 33122. The meeting starts promptly at 4:30pm and normally concludes no later than 7:30pm.

A major topic of conversation will be HB 256 and how it will affect DCSMEC and it’s members. We encourage all members to attend, participate and get informed. Please refrain from parking on assigned/numbered spaces. Park only in unmarked spaces. Please be advised that building management will tow all improperly parked vehicles. All meetings are strictly for members only.

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General membership meeting (May 2023)

Attention all members, we have a General Membership Meeting on, Tuesday, May 16, 2023. The meeting will be held at the DCSMEC hall located at 8250 NW 27th Street (Suit 308) Doral, FL 33122. The meeting starts promptly at 4:30pm and normally concludes no later than 7:30pm.

A major topic of conversation will be HB 256 and how it will affect DCSMEC and it’s members. We encourage all members to attend, participate and get informed. Please refrain from parking on assigned/numbered spaces. Park only in unmarked spaces. Please be advised that building management will tow all improperly parked vehicles. All meetings are strictly for members only.

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