Allow me to take a moment to offer my sincerest gratitude for your service. On behalf of our Executive Board, I thank you for the outstanding example you have set.

As we near Thanksgiving and I reflect on 2019, I would like to express how thankful I am to have you in our DCSMEC family. You play a very important role in the advancement of M-DCPS through your commitment and hard work. My role as your Representative would not be possible without a strong and reliable work force to assist the students and staff of Miami-Dade County public schools during their times of need, and I appreciate your sacrifice and the hard work you demonstrate. Your dedicated efforts reaffirm my belief that our best day’s are yet to come.

I hope you take some time to reflect on the important work you do for our students. Take a moment to reflect and remember the lives you have positively impacted through out the year. Arthur and I extend our best wishes for your continued success and wish all of you a joyful thanksgiving holiday.