General Membership Meeting

DCSMEC is having a General Membership Meeting on Tuesday March 20, 2018. General membership meetings are held at the Miami Free Zone 2315 NW 107th Ave., Doral, FL 33172. The meeting are from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

Topics of discussion:

1. Resident Maintenance Service Mechanic
2. RMSM-Foreperson presentation
3. Bill 7069 up-date
4. Oversight report
5. Nominations-O.B.
6. Hiring update/Future employment
7. Maintenance performance
8. Questions and answers session with DCSMEC

Please mark your calendar’s and make every effort to attend.

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The tragic events we witnessed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas SHS in Broward, have prompted all educational institutions to re-examine safety procedures.

Safety is Paramount for our students and staff.

DCSMEC contractual language.

All personnel shall be required to wear identification badges, including the employee’s name and a current picture, prepared and provided by the Board, in accordance with such policy”.

As the district implements more security in our schools DCSMEC is increasingly concerned about our members. Identification becomes critically important especially when in a stressful situation when everyone is scrambling for safety.

The school personnel knows who you are but outside forces don’t; your identification badge must be legible and current. Employees whose badges are damaged, worn-out or lost must immediately request a replacement badge from their administrator. Law Enforcement & Security personnel may need to identify you as an employee. Quickly.

If you have requested a new ID badge from management and it has not been provided, please contact DCSMEC immediately PH: (305) 477-6002 FAX: (305) 477-0806 or email your safety and wellness is our number one priority.

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Attention: All Stewards

2018 the year of knowledge, begins with our next stewards meeting scheduled for February 20, 2018 start time 4:30pm . Please mark your calendar.

This will be the first of three knowledge based presentations, Workers Compensation, FRS Retirement (Traditional & Investment) and Stewards Legal right’s.

We will have a Workers Compensation Presentation, which will detail the facts about the employees right’s, state status and statistics governing the program. Also proper procedures and paperwork needed to adequately acquire medical assistance.

All stewards need to acquire knowledge on the subject in order to provide our membership with correct and concise information regarding their rights and responsibilities in getting the proper medical attention when injured at work.

The meeting is for DCSMEC stewards only, after the presentation we will have a question and answer session to address any concerns the members have.

Our meetings are normally held at the Miami Free Zone 2315 NW 107 AVE. Doral, Fl. We look forward to seeing all our stewards and Union officers on Tuesday February 20, 2018.

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2018 Federal Withholding Tax Information

Attention DCSMEC members, you may have experienced what looks like an over payment or a new tax savings on your pay stub, here is the explanation from M-DCPS payroll management.

The 2018 federal withholding tax tables were implemented with the paycheck of February 2, 2018. As a result, the “net” amount of your February 2, 2018 pay check may be different from previous paychecks.

Additionally, some employees experience a “refund” in the Federal taxes for the paycheck of January 19, 2018. This refund is “embedded” as part of the gross amount, and it was not part of the calculation to determine taxable income.

The pay check of February 16, 2018, will be lower, because it will NOT include this one time refund.

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Health Information for Influenza (Flu)

The nation is experiencing extraordinarily high influenza (flu) activity as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the CDC, the predominant virus is influenza A(H3N2).

There are several ways to protect yourself and your family. Health officials recommend getting a flu vaccine. It is safe and continues to be the best way to guard against the flu. More than 10,000 students and over 300 faculty and staff have received FREE flu vaccines through a partnership between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Healthy Schools, LLC. A vaccination is recommended for everyone six months and older. It is still early in flu season, and not too late to get the vaccine.

Frequent hand-washing with soap and water is a great start to guard against the flu. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Remember to clean and disinfect hard surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs, including bathroom surfaces, kitchen counters and toys for children.

Knowing the symptoms of the flu is also critical to care and prevention. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. If you or members of your family experience any of these, it is important to stay home for at least 24 hours. If symptoms linger, seeing a health care professional as soon as possible is the next best course of action.

DCSMEC  urges you to do all you can to keep you and your family safe and healthy during flu season it’s paramount. For more information, please visit

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Letter of appreciation to our Representatives

I’d like to take this opportunity to commend the officers, yard representatives and stewards for your excellent service.

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something you except no excuses, only results.

Your commitment and hard work has not gone unnoticed. This year (2017) has been extremely challenging for maintenance, our records reflect the commitment that the DCSMEC family provided to bring the district back to normality.

I would like to congratulate you and extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for your dedication and enthusiasm. DCSMEC continues to strive in providing the best experience for it’s members and with a crew of your caliber who works from the heart, hence, automatically outshines the rest, it is almost a natural occurrence.

I hope to see all our representatives on Tuesday, December 19, for our end of the year appreciation meeting, you must know that the future is extremely bright for does that work with dedication and passion.


Best Regards,

Rolando Sardiñas

Business Representative

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2017/2018 Ratification agreement “Passed”

Congratulations to all the members, you have overwhelmingly passed the 2017/2018 ratification agreement with  approximately  90% yes vote.

I would like to thank the voting Committee for a stellar job, the vote went off without a hitch, special thanks to the voting supervisor (Fred Adler) who did a superb job making sure everything when smooth.

The road show this year had more member participation then  previous years and was a great success, special thanks to Luis Martinez  from Labor Relations for helping put it together and also Naila Ramos and Rosa Novo for a great health care presentations.


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Ratification Vote Today

2017/2018 Contract Ratification “VOTE”

The ratification vote will be on Tuesday, December 5, polls open at 7:30 am to 3:30 pm at the following locations:

1. MSC 1
12525 NW 28 Ave
Miami, FL 33167
2. MSC 2
– 2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142
3. MSC 3
-15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157
4. MSC 4
– 24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031
5. Infrastructure & System Support (Warehouse)
2740 NW 104 Court
Miami, Fl 33172

All DCSMEC personnel will be allowed time during the poll hours to vote at their respective locations, ITS personnel can vote at the nearest location to where they are assigned to work that day.

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2017/2018 DCSMEC tentative agreement “roadshow” (up date)

We will meet with all DCSMEC personnel stationed at (41 St. Street) MSC-2 on Monday December 4, at 7:30 am and with Redlands (MSC-4) same day at 1:30 pm. For questions and answers about the tentative agreement.

All ITS personnel will attend the nearest site to their work assignments, please notify your supervisor prior to leaving your work station via email, text or phone, DCSMEC members can’t be arbitrarily denied time to attend contract ratification meeting or voting.

Vote for ratification will be on Tuesday, December 5, polls open at 7:30 am to 3:30 pm at the following locations:

1. MSC 1
Miami lakes technical education center (auditorium)
5780 NW 158 Street
Miami , FL 33167
2. MSC 2
– 2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142
3. MSC 3
-15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157
4. MSC 4
– 24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031
5. Infrastructure & System Support (Warehouse)
2740 NW 104 Court
Miami, Fl 33172

All DCSMEC personnel will be allowed time during the poll hours to vote at their respective locations, ITS personnel can vote at the nearest location to where they are assigned to work that day.

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2017/2018 TENTATIVE AGREEMENT (Road Show)

2017/2018 DCSMEC tentative agreement “roadshow”

We will meet with all DCSMEC personnel stationed at (Toy”s) in Miami Lakes Technical Education Center on Thursday November 30, 7:30 am and with Coral Reef (MSC-3) same day at 1:30 pm. For questions and answers about the tentative agreement.

We will meet with all DCSMEC personnel stationed at (41 St. Street) MSC-2 on Monday December 4, at 7:30 am and with Redlands (MSC-4) same day at 1:30 pm. For questions and answers about the tentative agreement.

All ITS personnel will attend the nearest site to their  work assignments, please notify your supervisor prior to leaving your work station via email, text or phone, DCSMEC members can’t be arbitrarily denied time to attend contract ratification meeting or voting.

Vote for ratification will be on Tuesday December 5, polls open at 7:30 am to 3:30 pm at the following locations:


1. MSC 1
12525 NW 28 AVE
Miami, Fl 33167
2. MSC 2
– 2925 NW 41 Street
Miami, Fl 33142
3. MSC 3
-15301 SW 117 Ave
Miami, Fl 33157
4. MSC 4
– 24600 SW 159 Ave
Miami, Fl 33031
5. Infrastructure & System Support (Warehouse)
2740 NW 104 Court
Miami, Fl 33172

All DCSMEC personnel will be allowed time during the poll hours to vote at their respective locations, ITS personnel can vote at the nearest location to where they are assigned to work that day.

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