DCSMEC CEU training makeup session will be on Saturday June 17, 2017 at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 am) make sure to register this is your last opportunity.

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, if you already registered for the second class you’re good for the makeup class, all other members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to registering for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number. The CEU training are for members only!

Membership has it’s privileges, if you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail.com please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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DCSMEC CEU training makeup session is being scheduled at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 am) we will announce shortly the exact date.

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, if you already registered for the second class you’re good for the makeup class, all other members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to registering for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number. The CEU training are for members only!

Membership has it’s privileges, if you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail.com please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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Happy Mothers Day

To ALL the MOTHERS out there weather you are a Past,
Present or Soon To be Moms. May your day be filled with
love, joy and laughter.

From the DCSMEC Union,

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DCSMEC CEU training on Saturday, April 29, 2017 exceeded our expectations with over 100 participants we are analyzing the need for a makeup session at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 pm) we will announce shortly when we will have the makeup session.

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, if you already registered for the second class you’re good for the makeup class, all other members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to register for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number. The CEU training are for members only!

Membership has it’s privileges, if you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail.com  please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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DCSMEC CEU training on Saturday, April 22, 2017 was a great success with approximately 100 participants, our second training session is scheduled for Saturday April 29, 2017, at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 pm).

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, if you already registered for the first class you’re good for the second class, all other members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to registering for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number. The CEU training are for members only!

Membership has it’s privileges, if you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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DCSMEC has scheduled CEU training for Saturday, April 22, 2017 and Saturday April 29, 2017, at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 pm).

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to registering for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number.

If you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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DCSMEC has scheduled CEU training for Saturday, April 22, 2017, at the Toy’s training room located 12525 NW 28 Ave. Miami, Fl 33167 (8:00 am to 12:00 pm).

The Honorable John Mills, will be assisting with training, members must register to attend. RSVP via email to dcsmecba@gmail.com or fax to 305 477-0806 and state your intent to registering for CEU training. Make sure to provide your name, employee number, email and phone number.

If you are having a problem logging in to dcsmecba@gmail please get assistance from one of our Yard Representative’s or Stewards, for more information call DCSMEC at 305-477-6002.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters:

DCSMEC is happy to announce that on April 4, 2017, the Executive Board appointed Mr. Michael Phillips, currently a Network Infrastructure Support Technician into office as a Negotiating Committee member, replacing recently retired Andres Barroso, ELE (MSC-1).

Along with Mr. Phillips DCSMEC has appointed Ms. Pamela D. Morris as Painters Steward (MSC-1) and Mr. Frank Trujillo as ACR/Mechanical Steward (MSC-3). We hope you will join us in congratulating Mr. Phillips, Ms. Morris and Mr. Trujillo into their newly appointed role as Officer and Stewards of DCSMEC.

DCSMEC has officially notified the district of our intention to begin collective bargaining for 2017/2018. We would like to hear from the membership any suggestions you have relating to this year’s bargaining session. Now is the best time to share your ideas and help the DCSMEC Negotiating Team continue to represent the best interests of our membership.

Please forward any suggestions in writing to your Steward to be presented at our next Stewards meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. You can also contact DCSMEC directly at ph:305-477-6002 or fax 305-477-0806.

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General membership meeting

The DCSMEC Union is having a General Membership meeting on
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at the Miami Free Zone location,
2315 NW 107 Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 in Conference Room
2M8-9 at 4:30 pm.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:

• Round three of white fleet replacement.
* Insurance (hospital indemnity insurance)
* CEU training for 2017, etc.

We look forward to seeing everyone, steward please make every effort to attend.

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INSURANCE UPDATE (Appeals Enrollmen 2017)

Dear Members,

If you did not make changes to your current benefits during open enrollment you will have the opportunity between 1/10/2017 and 1/23/2017. Go to www.dadeschools.net and under Highlights click on 2017 Appeals Enrollment. The  enrollment application will be available 24 hours a day.

Questions or concerns will be answered by the benefits hotline at 305 995–7132 or 305 995–7139 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 AM through 4:30 PM.

Remember this service starts on January 10, 2017 please mark your calendar’s and make sure you have a reminder so you can take advantage of the appeals enrollment for 2017.

I like to take a moment to remind everyone that on Friday, December 9, 2016  pay period everyone should receive the raise and retro as per this years contract ratification.


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