Seats are almost gone, if you are planing to attend the worker’s compensation presentation for Monday, July 18, 2022. Please register right away, there’s only a few seats remaining.

We start with Workers Compensation and understanding your rights. Specifically, we will cover the following: how workers compensation can help you in your time of need, what doctors are available and how they are selected by workers compensation, the time frame and how it will affect your income, and whether or not you can you get a second opinion. DCSMEC receives countless calls every month related to workers compensation.

The presentation will be delivered by Rosa Royo (RISK BENEFITS MANAGEMENT). She is the head of Workers Compensation and a luminary in the subject. All stewards need to acquire knowledge on the subject in order to provide our membership with correct and concise information. We will also provide free gifts and prizes courtesy of the “Rebuild Me Program”. We urge all members to participate, however, we highly urge our middle age/seasoned veterans (who have a higher risk of on the job injury) to attend as well.

Seating is limited, so if you wish to participate you must reserve your seat in advance. To reserve and participate in the workers compensation seminar, please call 305-477-6002 and provide your name, employee number, a call back number and say you want to participate in the workers compensation session. Someone will call you back to confirm your reservation, or email us at ( with all your information.

The workers compensation seminar will be on July 18, 2022 start time 4:30 P.M. After the presentation we will have a question and answer session to address any concerns you may have. Our meetings are normally held at the DCSMEC HALL located at 8250 NW 27 Street (Suit 308) Doral, Fl. 33122. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, July 18, 2022.

All DCSMEC meetings and functions are strictly for members only. 

Please remember to RESERVE your seat so you can attend! And always remember to confirm your reservation with DCSMEC.