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As we start the month of June, DCSMEC wants to remind you that we will be observing Juneteenth in 2022 and every year after as a legal holiday. This year, we will be off on Monday, June 20, 2022. Please mark your calendar and enjoy your holiday. On a separate note, DCSMEC has started negotiations with the district. Stay tuned for further details. 

Hurricane Season

If you are not prepared for hurricane season, you have no time to waste. Hurricane season officially begins June 1 every year. Don’t wait until a storm is heading our way to prepare. By then, supplies may be more difficult to acquire.

Stockroom Update

All MMM stock rooms will be closed from Friday, June 17, 2022 at 3:00 P.M. through to Thursday, June 30, 2022. All stockrooms will reopen at 7:00 A.M. on Friday, July 1, 2022.

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Do not call me a hero, 

when you see the metals that I wear, 

metals make not the hero, 

they just prove that I was there. 

Do not call me hero, 

now that I am old and gray, 

I left a land, returned a man, 

they stole my youth that day. 

Do not call me hero, 

when we ran the wall of hail, 

The blood, the fears, the cries, the tears 

we left them where they fell. 

Do not call me hero

each night I stop and pray, 

for all the friends I knew were lost, 

I survived my longest day. 

Do not call me hero, 

in the years that pass, 

for all the real true heroes, 

have crosses, lined up on the grass.

Rob Aitchison (The longest day)

On this Memorial Day 2022, DCSMEC remembers and honors all of our veterans who gave the last measure of devotion for our freedom. Please take a moment to reflect on our fallen heroes as you enjoy this memorial weekend. 

God bless and be safe.

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General Membership Meeting (May 2022) 

Attention all DCSMEC members we have a General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at  8250 NW 27th  Street  (Suit 308) Doral, FL 33122. Meeting starts promptly at 4:30pm and normally concludes no later than 7:30pm.

Please note starting this month our regular Union Meetings will continue on a by monthly bases, should anything change we will notify you. Mask are certainly welcome but not required, we  encourage all members to attend and get informed.

Please refrain from parking on assigned/numbered spaces. Park only in unmarked spaces please be advised that building management will tow all improperly parked vehicles. All meetings are strictly for members only, we look forward to seeing our Brothers and Sisters.

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DCSMEC is happy to announce after a 35 year amazing career DCSMEC President George Ellis has retired, all the officers of DCSMEC want to thank George for all he did to help the DCSMEC Union.

Former Executive Board member Michael Phillips was promoted to a management position, we wish Michael the best in his new position and thank him for all he did for the DCSMEC Union.

When a vacancy occurs in an “elected position”, of DCSMEC, the Executive Board will fill the vacancy by appointment at the next regular Executive Board meeting for the remaining term of that office.

DCSMEC is happy to announce the new appointees, replacing the vacated Executive Board positions:

(Michael Phillips) WAS REPLACED BY the new Executive Board member Raymone Jones.

(Raymone Jones) WAS REPLACED BY the new Oversight Board member Jorge Vidal.

(George Ellis) WAS REPLACED BY the new DCSMEC President Howard Horne.

(Howard Horne) WAS REPLACED BY the new DCSMEC Vice President Curtis Green.

(Curtis Green) WAS REPLACED BY the new Executive board member Santiago Gomez.

(Santiago Gomez) WAS REPLACED BY the new Oversight board member Eldys Diaz.

I would like to thank the Executive Board for their diligent work in filling the vacated positions and congratulate all the new appointees, Arthur and I look forward to working with all of you.

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New Revised Preparations (M-DCPS)

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday festivities and are in good health, the district informed DCSMEC of new revised preparations for returning to work on January 3, 2022.

See the revised preparations that will affect every employee of the district:


FROM:          Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent of Schools              


Beginning Monday, January 3, 2022, and until further notice, all M-DCPS employees, volunteers, visitors, contractors, and vendors will be required to wear a facial covering while indoors at any District school or facility. Transportation employees will also be required to wear facial coverings while transporting children. While facial coverings will not be mandated for students, they will continue to be highly encouraged as this practice provides an additional layer of protection. All spectators at school athletic events will be required to wear facial coverings. Further, athletic competitions originally scheduled to take place between January 3 and January 5 have been postponed.

In accordance with newly released guidance from the CDC, any M-DCPS employee who tests positive for COVID-19 and is asymptomatic or has symptoms that are resolving (no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication) may return to work on day 6 after obtaining a positive test result. Employees who tested positive for COVID-19 prior to December 29 and meet the aforementioned criteria may return to work on January 3.


On behalf of DCSMEC and all the officers: Happy New Year! See everyone in 2022.

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This past year has been one of the most challenging periods in DCSMEC history. As I have traveled around our district, I have been struck by your resilience and creativity, even in the face of these tough times. 

The DCSMEC union continues to lead the Industry with new innovation and commitment to better serve our distinguished members.

We have made difficult decisions and instituted unique solutions to ensure our future continues to perform at the highest levels. Thanks to your hard work, I am confident that we enter the new year strongly positioned, renewed in spirit and determination, and prepared for further progress and success.

Keep in mind that the job you do is extremely important for enriching the lives of thousands of students and staff across our district. Initiatives we have taken hold true to our values and commitment to change for the better, including our support for principals, teachers, students, and the environment.

The achievements you made this year are a record that few in our industry could equal; they reflect the immense talent and leadership that you and your colleagues around the district provide every day. We are stronger because of your dedication. I am very grateful for your efforts and very proud of your performance.

The holiday season is an opportunity to slow down, prepare ourselves for the coming new year, and to open our hearts to the blessings that surrounds us. Most of all, may your holiday bring you laughter, comfort, and contentment with your family and love ones.

On behalf of DCSMEC and all the officers: have a great holiday and a happy new year! See everyone next year (2022)!!

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On Veterans Day we honor all, who answer to a service call. Soldiers young, and soldiers old, fought for freedom, brave and bold. Some have lived, while others died, and all of them deserve our pride. We’re proud of all of the soldiers who, kept thinking of the red, white and blue. They fought for us and all our rights, they fought through many days and nights. And though we may not know each name, we thank ALL veterans just the same.

On behalf of the DCSMEC family, to all the veterans, thank you for your service.

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Early Detection Saves Lives

Attention Ladies of DCSMEC: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 is the Annual M-DCPS mammogram screening day at five (5) different locations across the District!

Early Detection Saves Lives. Gentlemen, remember that Breast Cancer can occur in both men and women at any age. Regularly check yourself, and make sure you and your love ones talk to a healthcare provider about the risk for breast cancer and the best screening options.

On November 24, 2021 is mammogram screening day at these five (5) locations:

  1. Jackson North Hospital: 160 NW. 170th Street, N. Miami Beach, FL 33169 8:00AM – 12:00PM. Call 305-654-5040, physician’s referral is necessary for this location
  2. Jackson Memorial Hospital: 1611 NW. 12th Avenue, Miami, FL 33136 8:00AM – 12:00PM. Call 305–585–5942 or 305–585–7877
  3. Mount Sinai Hospital: 4306 Alton Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 9:00AM – 5:00PM. Call 305-535-3434
  4. Stores and Mail Distribution: 7001 SW. 4th Street, Miami, FL 33144 8:30AM – 3:00PM or call 1–877–318–1349
  5. Richmond Heights middle school: 15015 SW. 103rd Ave., Miami, FL 33176 8:30AM – 3:00PM or call 1–877–318–1349

Did you know? 

Increased risk factors for breast cancer include:

  1. Breast Density (High density breast)
  2. Age (40+)
  3. Genetics (Inherited DNA changes in genes)
  4. Family History (Mother, sister, daughter has had breast cancer)
  5. Gender (Being female)

If you have any questions about what you just read, please contact Well Way: (305) 995-2265 /

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