DCSMEC VOTE 2019/2020

Due to CDC guidelines, we will not have a road show. Instead, if you have any questions about the contract we urge you to contact your yard representatives or steward to inquire about the 2019/2020 tentative agreement.  

As always, you can also contact DCSMEC directly for further guidance. We are currently working together with management to facilitate an online vote using your school board email address that can be easily accessed by your district cell phone, computer, iPad or any smart devices you use. The vote will be as easy as – yes (I,accept the agreement) or no (I don’t accept the agreement).

If for any reason you need access to a smart device in order to vote, please let your DCSMEC representatives at your facility know so we can arrange for management to provide you with accessibility to a computer. You need to tend to that right away.

The actual date for the vote has not been determined yet, but we hope to be ready soon. Take this time to inquire about the tentative agreement. DCSMEC wants to thank you for your support and encourages everyone to vote. This vote is open to everyone under the DCSMEC contract.

With record numbers of Covid-19 cases in our communities, DCSMEC recommends that you follow CDC guidelines for your safety and that of others.

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DCSMEC Tentative Agreement 2019/2020

M-DCPS and DCSMEC have reached a Tentative Agreement
for the 2019/2020 addendum to the contract 

Thanks to the efforts of our negotiating team, and active support from our members, we were able to obtain pay improvements for all employees (income that is retroactive to July 1, 2019).

See details of the tentative agreement below:



Highlights of the tentative agreement:

  1. A 3 % (HO, H1, H2) salary improvement, effective 7/1/2019.
  2. New language (to facilitate payment under school closing/emergency conditions).                                                                                                                           

New Insurance Benefit Plan (Medical Plan Designs) Starts January 2021

  1. SureFit (In-Network Only)
  2. OAP Standard (In-Network & Out-of-Network)
  3. OAP High (In-Network & Out-of-Network)

Details of the full tentative agreement will be forthcoming on the DCSMEC website soon. Following CDC guidelines, the DCSMEC tentative contract ratification vote will take place online (online voting). Details will be forthcoming.

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Memorial Day Notice

Every crisis has new heroes. During the 9/11 attacks, they were the first responders running into burning and crumbling buildings as others ran out. Now, during the Coronavirus pandemic, the most visible heroes are the health care professionals, who are saving others and risking their own lives while doing so. These heroes have much in common with the heroes that we honor today – America’s fallen veterans.

Honoring those who have given their life in service to their country has been a long-standing tradition originating just after the Civil War, and held yearly on May 30th as Decoration Day, where community members would decorate soldiers’ graves with flowers and recite prayers. The name was eventually changed to Memorial Day, and the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 went into effect in 1971, officially establishing it as a federal holiday to be held on the last Monday in May.

Celebrations of Memorial Day have ranged throughout the years from the simple placement of flowers or flags on graves, to community festivals and parades, and many families hold memorial celebrations.

We would encourage all to remember why we celebrate this day as you enjoy holiday festivities. Keep in mind the families of those who have lost a loved one in service to our country.

To all the families and service members who have lost a family member, brother or sister in arms, our thoughts are with you, not only on Memorial Day, but every day.

On this Memorial Day, DCSMEC honors our American heroes, all the veterans who gave their last measure of devotion so that we may live in freedom.

To all our members, as you enjoy time with family and friends, please remember to follow CDC recommendations for COVID-19.

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Greeting Brothers & Sisters. As you’re aware we are experiencing unprecedented times. Fear and confusion are abounding in our Country and the world, COVIC-19 has impacted our Armed Services around the globe, our daily routines and now the White House. The pandemic has created new challenges to the economy, businesses and our families. It has also drastically changed the way we work and operate as an organization by creating unknown challenges and changes. With these challenges also comes the concerns on how these issues are being addressed, managed, and implemented.

DCSMEC wants to assure you that we are here to assist you in times like this. Being the organization that represents you, we have heard your concerns and want to share with you how the Union is working to resolve the issues. DCSMEC is in constant contact with Management personnel from ITS, Maintenance, Safety and SBAB working together to address and resolve all your concerns.

DCSMEC has also notified management downtown that now that our work force is back to work, we need to get back to negotiations, starting with compensation and other proposals.

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who took time from your busy schedule to reach out to us and convey your heart felt support, Arthur and I were moved by your actions and the sheer number of phone calls, we received. 

DCSMEC thanks you for your trust and support.

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I hope everyone is safe and coping as well as possible with our new temporary isolation lifestyle. We have a new advisory from Facility Operations, Maintenance. Starting Monday, April 20, 2020,
 we will resume routine maintenance service in accordance with CDC guidelinesPPE will be issued to all employees and you are required to use it when appropriate to safeguard yourself and those around you. Let me emphasize that this is not business as usual. We are working under the COVID-19 pandemic for the first time in our lifetime. The maintenance system will be trying new ways to get the job done while maintaining social distancing and all necessary safety procedures. See the latest FOM email below.


Greetings to all of our valued employees. We hope that you and your families remain safe during these challenging times. As you may recall, Miami-Dade County Public Schools’  operations resumed Monday, March 30, 2020, and most employees have been working remotely, with the exception of select personnel who may have been called upon by their immediate supervisor to physically report for duty.  This correspondence is to advise you that Facilities Operations Maintenance will be calling upon select personnel in order to address the backlog of much needed requests for repair. As such, routine maintenance service in accordance with CDC guidelines will be in effect. Please be advised that your immediate supervisor will contact you when you are required to report. In addition, please be reminded of the following attendance requirements:


Employees must continue to communicate with their site-administrator, according to established worksite procedures, if they intend to utilize accrued sick, personal, or vacation time. Vacation requests should continue to be approved in advance, according to worksite guidelines. Site administrators are encouraged to resolve any concerns regarding accrued vacation time. Work locations will continue to input payroll absences for full-time employees.

We are asking that each employee pay close attention to the email, Board issued cell phone, personal cell phone or home number during this difficult times.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your work location at the appropriate number listed below.

  • MSC 1 –  305–995-7846
  • MSC 2 – 305-995-4303
  • MSC 3 – 305-995-2339
  • MSC 4 – 305-248-2016
  • Building security systems – 786-256-2878
  • Capital task force – 305-995-4092
  • Customer Service – 305-995-4092
  • Regulatory Compliance/Roofing – 305-995-4011

All ITS remains status quo.

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I hope everyone is safe and fallowing CDC recommendation. here is the latest from maintenance management. Starting on Monday, March 30, 2020 through May 1, 2020, employees should NOT report to work unless previously authorized or specifically notified by their worksite administrator.

During this time, Maintenance will ONLY respond to emergencies. Please continue to monitor your Board issued cell phone, email and the Emergency Employee Communication recorded message for further instructions as they become available. 

Please call the Emergency Employee telephone number below for your work location.

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In this time of uncertainty, we want you to know that DCSMEC continues to remain open to address all of our member’s needs. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you want the latest news, contact your yard representative, trade Steward or DCSMEC directly at (305-477- 6002).

We are anticipating a new update from MDCPS Management very soon. The superintendent has mentioned that he anticipates that schools will remain closed until May 1. As soon as we hear officially from management, we will let you know.

Covid-19 cases continue to rise. Please take all precautions to stay safe and follow CDC recommendations. The CDC is now recommending people consider wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. The reason for the new change is that there is increasing evidence that the virus can be spread by pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers (according to the CDC). 

Continue to monitor your board issued cell phone, email and the emergency employee communication recorded message for further instructions as they become available.

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I hope everyone is safe and fallowing CDC recommendation. Spring recess is over and here is the latest from maintenance management. Starting on Monday, March 30, 2020 through Wednesday, April 15, 2020, employees should NOT report to work unless previously authorized or specifically notified by their worksite administrator.

During this time, Maintenance will ONLY respond to emergencies. Please continue to monitor your Board issued cell phone, email and the Emergency Employee Communication recorded message for further instructions as they become available. 

Please call the Emergency Employee telephone number below for your work location.

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I hope you’re enjoying your spring recess and following CDC recommendations. We are all used to a routine, and for most of us that routine has been altered due to COVID-19. If you’re stressing over being isolated at home and need assistance, EAP is there for you.

The Employee Assistance Program will be answering calls during the spring recess from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The program is for you, the individual employee, and for your immediate family members. EAP is designed to provide confidential help to individuals whose personal problems are affecting their ability to function at home, in their social life, or on the job. All of us at one time or another have personal medical problems which affect us in many areas of our lives. Most of the time we find our own solutions to these problems. Sometimes, however, outside help and professional guidance are needed. Your Employee Assistance Program is a good place to start.

EAP deals with all types of problems including alcoholism, drug abuse, emotional or other concerns, such as health, family, stress, marital, financial, legal, or vocational difficulties. Miami-Dade County Public Schools recognizes behavioral disorders and mental health problems as illnesses that can be successfully treated. The program goal is to help those individuals by providing consultation and referral to treatment and rehabilitation, in order to prevent their condition from progressing to a degree at which they cannot work effectively.

Do not hesitate to reach out for assistance. It’s completely confidential. For assistance by phone, please contact EAP directly at (305) 995-7111

or you can email:

Mr. Jose Garcia 


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